Athena Faris
A night can be considered as happy only when you have time for some Athena Faris porn.
We all like parties, don't we? It is the moment when we can relax, have some drinks, and have some fun with our friends, of course, if we have some. But to complete the ultimate relaxation, the most unforgettable night of your life, you must reserve some time for your pleasures. Only you and your hand. One on one. Oh yes, you have been wanting it for the entire last week. But then the struggle begins. What do we watch? Who do I pleasure myself with today? And here comes the newest sensation of the pron scene. Athena Faris has made pretty much every single porn type. So you start watching. You won't believe it; every other video is hotter than the previous one. Very astonished you settle for the classic - handjob porn videos. And so the best part of your night starts right now. Just continue enjoying yourself, keep rubbing, and soon you will be elevated to the fourth dimension. I'm pretty sure it will quickly become your second nature to empty your balls before going to bed with Athena Faris.
Athena Faris porn is the best turn-on for a long night with your partner.
I know some of you are not virgins. This small percentage of our audience probably already tasted your partner's sweet juices. Indulging in someone you like guts is very pleasing and hot, but you can spice it up slightly more. I suggest you try watching the newest, ground-breaking, Hollywood-level, balls-filling porn from our latest favorite, Athena Faris. Her versatility is unmatched. She can do everything! From sucking some big black cocks, resulting in the best quality Big Loads porn videos, to jingling her perfectly shaped natural tits. What is there not to like? I'm sure both of you will be excited to watch her before you both try not to make the population bigger. After experiencing Athena's almighty skills, you will never be the same, and you will try to become a better sex partner - for your own sake and your partners. But remember! It takes a lot of patience to become better. You first have to experiment, which may cause some forgettable nights, but the sacrifices you are willing to make will soon be worth a couple of intercourses.How fast can Athena Faris porn make me cum?
Well, the final boss of all questions. The peak of human existence. The speedrun. Of course, I will take the stance of a very experienced, nearly professional cummer. When I first discovered the masterpieces that Athena created, I was very excited. I could only compare it to getting a new car if you are a motorsport fan or getting your first head from your friend in the corner of a local Burger King. So, as you can tell, I was very excited. As a newcomer, I didn't take into account how horny I was that day, which resulted in me cumming all over my grandmother's bed. But then I started to better myself. I got resilient. I pushed forward every day to make progress. And then it happened out of nowhere. I got scared. I tried very hard to make myself cum with some Cock tease porn videos, but then I discovered the sad truth. I cannot cum anymore. I cried myself to sleep with my pants down and a butt plug inside my guts, thinking it was only a dream. But no, it was the harsh reality. So answering the question, how fast can she make you cum? Very fast, unless you can't do it anymore.