Sexual Supremacy Match:
BT comes on cocky as usual, telling Jade he's gonna make her cum like that, snapping his finger. He gets the jump on her for a while, but Jade finds a few chances to retaliate. BT gets the upper hand though when he finger fucks her so hard, she squirts all over the wrestling mat! By game rules, that means Jade has to get BT off, and he wants to fuck her and cum in her mouth to humiliate the loser.
Sexual Supremacy Match: Jade Amber V BT
Sexual Supremacy Match:
BT comes on cocky as usual, telling Jade he's gonna make her cum like that, snapping his finger. He gets the jump on her for a while, but Jade finds a few chances to retaliate. BT gets the upper hand though when he finger fucks her so hard, she squirts all over the wrestling mat! By game rules, that means Jade has to get BT off, and he wants to fuck her and cum in her mouth to humiliate the loser.