You awake to sounds of sirens and a shuffling at your window. A girl peeks out from behind your curtain dressed all in orange... a fugitive! Must have been from that jailbreak on the 10 o'clock news. You can't remember if they said she was dangerous. The jailbird flashes her tits to keep you from screaming. She's hotter than you thought an escaped convict could be. You can hear the cops close by; if you wanted to call out to them, they might even hear you. But if you let her use your room as a hideout until the heat is off, she'll make it very much worth your while.
Riley Nixon's Great Escape
You awake to sounds of sirens and a shuffling at your window. A girl peeks out from behind your curtain dressed all in orange... a fugitive! Must have been from that jailbreak on the 10 o'clock news. You can't remember if they said she was dangerous. The jailbird flashes her tits to keep you from screaming. She's hotter than you thought an escaped convict could be. You can hear the cops close by; if you wanted to call out to them, they might even hear you. But if you let her use your room as a hideout until the heat is off, she'll make it very much worth your while.